Nick Tarantino, Chief Global Clinical Research & Regulatory Affairs Officer AcuFocus’ newest technology, the IC-8 small aperture IOL, builds on the company’s long-term experience with small aperture optics (it developed the KAMRA lens for presbyopia about 10 years ago). The IC-8 essentially takes the KAMRA inlay from the corneal plane to the lens plane. The IC-8 received the CE mark last year and is currently in postmarket approval studies. Compared to a monofocal lens, the range of focus with the IC-8 is significantly increased. Preliminary results show 89% of patients achieve J1 or better targeted correction. Initially, the goal was to be within 0.75D of target “but we’ve found we can go significantly less,” according to Tarantino. All patients achieved 20/25 in targeted correction in both intermediate and near distance vision. A small study (n=9) indicates vitreoretinal surgery can be performed with ease and with good visibility through the lens.

Nicholas Tarantino, OD
Nick Tarantino, OD is Chief Clinical and Regulatory Officer and Head of R&D for AcuFocus, Inc., a company specializing in innovative solutions for the treatment of presbyopia.