AcuFocus: More Than Just the KAMRA
Small aperture technology is the only corneal-based presbyopia-correcting procedure that does not rely on the use of “plus power” in the cornea to provide near vision, said AcuFocus president Al Waterhouse.
Since its initial concept, the KAMRA has been “a simple and elegant solution for extended depth of focus,” he said, backed by more than 40 peer-reviewed papers on the device. The KAMRA has been implanted in more than 30,000 patients, and the company has more than nine years of follow-up data on some of those patients.
“We have raised $66 million in financing,” Waterhouse stated. “The reason that’s so important is that it allows us to concentrate on what’s important to us – the presbyopia and cataract markets.”
The global market opportunity in presbyopia may be as much as $5 billion, with about 40% of the procedures performed in the US. Cataract remains the number one performed surgical procedure worldwide, with 3 million surgeries performed yearly in the US alone. The global intraocular lens (IOL) market is expected to reach $4.2 billion by 2019, Waterhouse noted.
To that end, AcuFocus is launching its second product – the IC-8. This is a single-piece, 360-degree square-edged IOL with a 6.0 mm optic diameter and a 12.5 mm overall diameter. Already granted a CE mark, the IC-8 “overcomes other posterior chamber IOL limitations, including an incomplete range of vision, unreliability, glare/halo, and neuroadaptation,” Waterhouse said. AcuFocus is currently commercializing the IOL in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
“Small aperture technology platforms should be synonymous with AcuFocus,” he said. “We are not creating monovision, and we are not trading away distance vision.”
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Al Waterhouse
Alan (Al) Waterhouse is the President and a member of the Board of Directors of AcuFocus, Inc. He joined the company in 2015 as COO and brought with him more than 21 years of healthcare and medical device experience.