
The $4.9 billion glaucoma market is expected to reach $6.6 billion by 2019. The company launched its first product, the iStent, about 2 years ago and has had reasonable market penetration. Further, the company has had tremendous success with getting reimbursement for the device.

Prior to the introduction of micro-incisional glaucoma surgery (MIGS), surgery was often considered the last resort for patients, but MIGS has placed surgery among the initial treatment options, Calcaterra said.

Glaukos is currently working on additional devices: using the iStent in combination with cataract surgery, the iStent injectable (a two-stent therapy for combination cataract/glaucoma surgery and standalone MIGS), and the iStent Supra, with delivery into the suprachoroidal space. The iStent injectable is in phase 2/3 studies on pseudophakic patients. The iStent Supra is in an expanded phase U.S. IDE study.


Chris Calcaterra

Chris Calcaterra

Chris M. Calcaterra has served the Chief Commercial Officer for Glaukos Corporation since April 2008. Prior to joining Glaukos, Mr. Calcaterra was senior vice president at Advanced Medical Optics, Inc. (acquired by Abbott Laboratories), and was responsible for its cataract business.

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