LacriPen Writing Exciting Script for Founders
Paul T. Gavaris, MD and Chris D. Geddes, MD, the principals of LacriScience LLC, updates OISTV on the clinical progress of its LacriPen device. The company is close to beginning clinical trials for the pen-size instrument that accurately measuring tear osmolarity. This fully portable self-contained device with an onboard computer provides an instantaneous in vivo reading on contact with the tear film. No anesthetic is required. The company says the cost of the pen could lead to rapid adoption. The pen also could be used to detect other conditions including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Speaking With:

Chris Geddes
Dr Chris D. Geddes, PhD, FRSC, Professor and Serial Entrepreneur, is internationally known in fluorescence and plasmonics publishing over 250 peer-reviewed papers, is the author of > 20 books and has secured in excess of $25M in recent years to pursue his research aspirations at the University of Maryland.