The company’s LacriPen is a handheld, portable, diagnostic tool that measures osmolarity to within 2 mOsml. It uses a technique called surface plasma residence, which calculates minute changes in the refractive index on a very thin gold film. The reflectivity minimum line produces moves as a measure of osmolarity; when in use the device is also self-calibrating, Geddes said.
The top of the pen is disposable, with cost to produce minimal.
LacriScience has been able to detect tear osmolarity in the range of 260-400 mOsml and a tear osmolarity resolution of about 2 mOsml. The MMP-9 sensor detects a dynamic range from 1-100 ng/ml. The company plans to market the device for about $1,400 per pen, with an osmolarity sensor of $6/eye. Other diagnostics will be about $7.50/test. LacriScience plans on submitting to the FDA for 510(K) approval by November, and manufacturing facilities should be completed by December.

Chris Geddes
Dr Chris D. Geddes, PhD, FRSC, Professor and Serial Entrepreneur, is internationally known in fluorescence and plasmonics publishing over 250 peer-reviewed papers, is the author of > 20 books and has secured in excess of $25M in recent years to pursue his research aspirations at the University of Maryland.