Malik Kahook, MD
Slater Family Chair in Ophthalmology
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Malik Y. Kahook, MD is Professor of Ophthalmology and The Slater Family Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He is Vice Chair of Translational Research and serves as chief of the glaucoma service and director of the glaucoma fellowship at the University of Colorado Eye Center. Dr. Kahook has authored over 400 peer-reviewed manuscripts, abstracts, and book chapters, and is editor of Essentials of Glaucoma Surgery, MIGS: Advances in Glaucoma Surgery and the seminal textbook of glaucoma Chandler and Grant’s Glaucoma. He was named New Inventor of the Year for the University of Colorado in 2009 and Inventor of the Year for 2010. Dr. Kahook has also received the American Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award in 2011, the American Academy of Ophthalmology Senior Achievement Award in 2017, the American Academy of Ophthalmology Secretariat Award (2014), the Ludwig Von Sallmann Clinician-Scientist Award (ARVO) in 2013 and was ranked second on the 40 under 40 Ophthalmology Power List (2015). Dr. Kahook has filed for over 80 patents, with over 40 licensed by companies including J&J Vision, New World Medical, Alcon, ClarVista Medical, and SpyGlass Ophthalmics for development and commercialization. Several of his devices are currently in human trials or available globally for clinical use including the Kahook Dual Blade from New World Medical and the Harmoni modular intraocular lens system from ClarVista Medical which was recently acquired by Alcon. Dr. Kahook is a consultant to the Food and Drug Administration’s Ophthalmic Device Division.