Malvina Eydelman, MD
Director of the Office of Ophthalmic, Anesthesia, Respiratory, ENT and Dental Devices - FDA
Dr. Eydelman joined FDA in 1995 and for the last 17 years, has served as the Director of FDA’s Division of Ophthalmic and Ear, Nose and Throat Devices (DOED), and subsequently Director of the FDA’s Division of Ophthalmic, Neurological and Ear, Nose and Throat Devices (DONED). Dr. Eydelman has been involved in all aspects of assuring the safety and effectiveness of ophthalmic medical devices. She also has been actively involved in standardization of ophthalmic devices as the U.S. Expert Delegate to the International Standards Organization and FDA’s Liaison to the American National Standards Institute‘s Committee for Ophthalmic Devices.