Meury Discusses Life After Pfizer Deal
The termination of the Pfizer-Allergan merger actually left some in ophthalmology feeling relief. We ask Bill Meury of Allergan how did Allergan employees feel about the news? And how will the company pursue growth in ophthalmology going forward.
Video Highlights
00:29 – What’s life like after the Pfizer deal collapsed?
01:00 – We knew there was a possibility the deal wouldn’t be closed so we had a plan B.
01:25 – There was a lot of celebration, actually.
01:40 – Things happen for a reason, but I thought the rational behind the deal was sound.
02:35 – No matter where the product line it would never be lost.
02:45 – We are an eye care company.
03:11 – Let’s reintroduce Allergan.
03:30 – We cover the entire waterfront in ophthalmology.
04:40 – The product line is in very strong shape today.
04:55 – Is there an ideal device-pharma ratio?
06:10 – Is Allergan is interested in building up its Medtech portfolio.
07:05 – I would expect over time we’d see more tech like Oculeve and Xen.
07:25 – The logic behind any acquisition has to be new products.
08:20 – We’re not looking at anything sizable right now.
08:55 – Where do you look for innovation?
10:00 – If Apple decided they wanted to get into eye care I’m convinced the first product they developed would look like Oculeve’s stimulator.
11:00 – How important is design in health care?
12:00 – How are you innovating internally?
13:05 – We don’t have a monopoly on good ideas.
Speaking With:

Bill Meury
Mr. Meury joined Actavis in July 2014 as Executive Vice President, Commercial, North American Brands. Prior to joining Actavis, he served as Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Forest Laboratories, Inc.