PanOptica Offers “Something Completely Different”
Paul Chaney, president and CEO, PanOptica, brought the OIS@AAO crowd up to speed on the progress of PAN-90806, a topical eyedrop for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The company conducted a Phase I/II study in naïve patients with wet AMD. Forty patients were given PAN-90806 for eight weeks, whereas 10 patients were given single injections of Lucentis, followed with three months of treatment. Scott Cousins, MD, released the data from the trial at AAO. Dr. Cousins, the Robert Machemer Professor of Ophthalmology and Immunology, vice chair for research, and director of the Duke Center for Macular Diseases at Duke Eye Center, was part of an independent panel of retina experts that confirmed positive biological response to topical PAN-90806 in approximately 45% to 50% of treated patients, including outcomes such as vascular leakage, lesion morphology, and vision. The reviewers also observed signals of anti-VEGF biological activity across all PAN-90806 monotherapy dose arms (n = 40), including at the lowest doses. PanOptica is scheduled to begin a Phase Ib/IIa trial next year to confirm the benefit of suspension formula as a monotherapy. It should report data by the first half of 2018.
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Paul Chaney
Paul G. Chaney is Co-Founder, President & CEO of PanOptica Inc., a biopharma company developing PAN-90806, a novel topical anti-VEGF treatment for neovascular eye diseases.