PowerVision’s FluidVision is a shape-changing accommodating IOL that has been implanted in more than 100 patients to date. As patients focus on near objects, one drop of the lens’ fluid moves from the periphery to the center of the lens, changing its shape. When the patient focuses on a distance object, the reverse occurs. PowerVision pairs its lens with a PowerJect Injector to deliver the preloaded lens into the eye through a 3.5 mm incision, with European and U.S. studies just beginning in April. Results with a 4.0 mm incision found a 1-line improvement over monocular implantation in near, an additional 0.5 lines at intermediate, with stability out to 18 months with no deleterious effect on accommodation. Near binocular VA to the 20/20 point through a 2.8 mm incision is anticipated in the near future.
CE Mark is expected in the H2 2016, and U.S. FDA studies are expected to start in 2016.

Barry Cheskin
Barry Cheskin is Co-Founder, President & CEO of PowerVision. Mr. Cheskin has over 20 years of general management experience in the medical device business.