PowerVision Shows `True Accommodation’
PowerVision has developed a fluid-controlled accommodating intraocular lens (IOL), the FluidVision AIOL, as the first platform to provide “true accommodation” by mimicking the eye’s natural accommodative process to transport fluids inside it, creating true shape change.
“This is the first true shape-changing IOL system,” president, CEO, and co-founder Barry Cheskin said, and 36-month results are available.
The FluidVision has been in development for more than 10 years, and has gone through several generations. The current lens, FluidVision 20/20 (generation 5) is foldable, offers “nearly twice the accommodation” of previous versions, and has been shown to achieve 20/20 across all distances in bench studies. This latest version incorporates minor mechanical and optical design changes, with clinical studies scheduled to get under way “shortly,” Cheskin said.
Previous studies with the lens (on about 150 eyes all together) have seen the incision size drop from 4.0 mm to 3.5 mm, and all have been implanted monocularly.
“We’ve shown a stability of the effect of the lens,” he said, with “good” distance and intermediate vision being achieved and sustained over three years. “There’s a gain of about 1.0 D of accommodation with this lens and 1.7 D of objective accommodation.” The pilot study showed patients maintained results through 36 months, both in best corrected distance vision and accommodation. Results through 18 months with the other centers involved have mimicked those of the pilot study, Cheskin added.
Alcon recently upped the ante with this company, providing a “significant investment,” he said, and creating a strategic alliance between the two firms.
Future plans call for the incision size to further decrease to 3.2 mm, adding toricity to the platform, and eventually designing the lens for 2.8-mm incision.

Barry Cheskin
Barry Cheskin is Co-Founder, President & CEO of PowerVision. Mr. Cheskin has over 20 years of general management experience in the medical device business.