Suber Huang, MD, MBA, FASRS
Retina Center of Ohio/Future Vision Foundation
Suber S. Huang, MD, MBA, FASRS is CEO of the Retina Center of Ohio, Voluntary Assistant Clinical Professor Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami, President/CEO Future Vision Foundation, Editor in Chief of the ASRS Retina Image Bank and Retina Atlas, and a founding officer of Retina Global. He has active research interests in gene and stem cell therapy, drug development, bionic devices, and functional vision testing. He was formerly President ASRS, Chair NEI/NIH National Eye Health Education Program, the Philip and Elizabeth Searle-Suber Huang MD Professor/Vice-Chair and Director, Visual Sciences Research Center, Center for Retina and Macular Disease, and Retina Diseases Image Analysis Reading Center at University Hospitals of Cleveland/Case Western Reserve University. Honors include the APAO Jose Rizal Medal, Distinguished Alumnus Award Johns Hopkins/Wilmer Eye Institute, OPS J. Donald M. Gass MD award, AAO Secretariat Award (2), Senior ASRS and AAO awards, Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital Pediatric Innovation award, and the CWRU Humanism in Medicine award. He is an inductee of the Retina Hall of Fame.