Tracery Drawing Finer Lines for AMD
Shelley Boyd, MD, president and CEO of Tracery Ophthalmics Inc., introduced the company’s clinical-stage “functional ophthalmic imaging platform” to OIS@AAO. The company – funded by its founders – is currently developing a beta-version of a software analytic tool that can capture snapshots of ocular physiology and present a more complete picture of the damage wrought by age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In her presentation, Boyd showed contrasting images of Tracery’s technology versus the gold standard, fundus autofluorescence (FAF), and the images revealed much clearer – and smaller – pockets of the geographic atrophy brought on by the disease. Tracery’s system includes imaging and algorithms for analysis, as well as a cloud-based HIPAA-compliant image presentation platform that offers cognitive computing capabilities that can describe, interpret, and integrate novel, complex, patient phenotypes in conjunction with complex genotypes and epigenetic data. Boyd said Tracery is partnering with an “AI cognitive computing” company to help further the technology to be used in diagnostics and clinical trial design.
Presentation Audio:

Shelley Boyd, MD, FRCSC
Shelley Boyd, MD, FRCSC, is an Ophthalmologist specializing in diseases of the retina and founding President & CSO of Translatum Medicus Inc(TMi). She trained at the University of Toronto, with fellowships at Moorfields Eye Hospital, UK and the Scripps Research Institute, California.