Emmetrope is developing 3 versions of an accommodating lens: single optic ActaLens, dual optic ActaLens-Duo, and shape-changing optic ActaLens-SC, “the future of accommodative lens technology,” said Phillips.
To date, small numbers have been enrolled (n=8), but data looks promising—the monofocal hinged silicone ActaLens is injected into the capsular bag through a small corneal incision and provided 0.48mm of total forward movement through 10 months.
To provide true accommodation, the lens haptics will have to move, and about 10-15 degrees of flexion is expected from the ActaLens-SC optic-haptic junction. The two-layer silicone lens has its firmer base layer with a more flexible top layer, Phillips said. Fixed optic lenses will provide about 0.5D of accommodation, but the ActaLens-SC should provide over 5D. Computer simulations have projected up to 6-7D of accommodation. An independent surgeon evaluated the initial 8 patients and found the ActaLens is still moving 20 months post-implantation.

Andrew F. Phillips
Andrew Phillips is Founder, President, and CEO of Emmetrope Inc., a company focused on developing accommodative IOLs.