7:30 - 8:30 AM
Check-in & Networking Breakfast
8:30 - 8:40 AM
Opening & Hot Topics in the Retina Space
Presented By:
Firas M. Rahhal, MD, Partner - ExSight Ventures & Retina Vitreous Associates Medical Group
8:40 - 8:50 AM
Winning Pitch Presentation
Presented By:
John S. Pollack, MD, Illinois Retina Associates / CMO - jCyte, Inc
Levent Akduman, MD, FASRS, CEO - Staphyloma Support Device
8:50 - 10:15 AM
Innovation Showcase
ReVive Biotechnology | Michael S. Tsipursky, MD, CEO
Rezolute | Rajat Agrawal, MD, Vice President, Clinical Development & Ophthalmology Lead
Vitranu | Gordon Bethwaite, CEO
Ingenia Therapeutics | Sangyeul Han, CEO
Opthea Limited | Joel Naor, MD, MSc, MBA, Chief Medical Officer
Anida Pharma | Per Gjorstrup, MD, PhD, President & CEO
Ripple Therapeutics | Tom Reeves, President & CEO
OcuTerra Therapeutics | Kerrie Brady, President & CEO
Opus Genetics | Ben Yerxa, PhD, CEO
Outlook Therapeutics | Russell Trenary, President & CEO
Ocuphire Pharma | Mina Sooch, MBA, CEO & Founder
Annexin Pharmaceuticals | Anders Haegerstrand, MD, PhD, CEO
10:15 - 10:45 AM
Morning Networking & Refreshment Break
10:45 - 11:45 AM
Spotlight on Dry AMD & GA
Iveric Bio | Keith Westby, Chief Operating Officer
Apellis | Federico Grossi, MD, Phd, Chief Medical Officer
ONL Therapeutics | David Esposito, President & CEO
Samsara Vision | Thomas Ruggia, CEO
Annexon Biosciences | Scott Borland, Vice President, Global Program Team Leader – Ophthalmology Franchise
Panel Discussion
David Boyer, MD - Retina Vitreous Associates Medical Group
Tarek S. Hassan, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology - Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine / Partner and Director of Vitreoretinal Training - Associated Retinal Consultants
Erin Henry, PhD, Executive Director, Head of Ophthalmology - NGM Biopharmaceuticals
J. Jill Hopkins, MD, SVP & Global Head, Ophthalmology Development Unit - Novartis
Moderated By:
Caroline R. Baumal, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Co-director of Retina Service - New England Eye Center, Tufts Medical Center
11:45 - 12:45 PM
Spotlight On Gene & Cell Therapy
REGENXBIO | Sherri Van Everen, PharmD, Vice President, Clinical Development
Eyevensys | Patricia Zilliox, PhD, CEO & President
SparingVision | Daniel Chung, MD, Chief Medical Officer
Kriya Therapeutics | Theresa Heah, MD, MBA, President & Chief Medical Officer - Kriya Ophthalmology
Endogena Therapeutics | Matthias Steger, PhD, MBA, Co-founder & CEO
Panel Discussion
Thomas M. Aaberg, Jr., MD, PhD, Retina Specialists of Michigan / CMO - Neurotech
Paul Bresge, CEO - Ray Therapeutics
Claire Gelfman, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer - Foundation Fighting Blindness
Glenn C. Yiu, MD, PhD, Professor - UC Davis Health Department of Ophthalmology & Vision Science
Moderated By:
John S. Pollack, MD, Illinois Retina Associates / CMO - jCyte, Inc
12:45 - 1:35 PM
Networking Lunch
1:35 - 2:35 PM
Spotlight on Drug Delivery & Durability
Eyepoint Pharmaceuticals | Nancy Lurker, President & CEO
Graybug | Frederic Guerard, CEO
Re-Vana Therapeutics | Michael O'Rourke, CEO
Clearside Biomedical | Thomas A. Ciulla, MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer & Chief Development Officer
Oculinea | Robert B. Bhisitkul, MD, PhD
Panel Discussion
Thomas Ciulla, MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer & Chief Development Officer - Clearside Biomedical / Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Volunteer - Indiana University School of Medicine / Vitreoretinal Medicine and Surgery - Midwest Eye Institute
Nancy Holekamp, MD, Director of Retina Services - Pepose Vision Institute
Michael Singer, MD, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology - University of Texas, San Antonio
Moderated By:
Robert B. Bhisitkul, MD, PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology - University of California San Francisco School of Medicine
2:35 - 3:10 PM
Afternoon Networking & Refreshment Break
3:10 - 3:45 PM
Early-Stage Retina Drug Development Financing
David Esposito, President & CEO - ONL Therapeutics
James C. Murray, Partner - ExSight Ventures
Robert Rothman, MD, Co-Founder and Managing Member - InFocus Capital Partners / Partner - OCLI/Glaucoma Consultants of Long Island
Russell Trenary, President & CEO - Outlook Therapeutics
Moderated By:
Firas M. Rahhal, MD, Partner - ExSight Ventures & Retina Vitreous Associates Medical Group
3:45 - 4:15 PM
The Impact of Successes and Failures in Retina
Greg Butz, Managing Director, Head of Life Sciences Investment Banking - Bank of America Merrill Lynch
David A. Eichenbaum, MD, Partner and Director of Research - Retina Vitreous Associates of Florida
Peter Kaiser, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology - Cole Eye Institute
Jerry Lee, MBA, Managing Director - Goldman Sachs
Moderated By:
Pravin U. Dugel, MD, President - Iveric Bio
4:15 - 5:15 PM
Spotlight on Breakthrough Technologies
RetinAI | Sandro De Zanet, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer
2C Tech | Jim Taylor, CEO
BVI/Beyeonics | Jorge Calzada, MD
Nanoscope Therapeutics | Samarendra Mohanty, PhD, Co-Founder, President & Chief Scientific Officer
Panel Discussion
Pierre Billardon, CEO - DORC International B.V.
Paul Hallen, VP & Global Head, Retina - Alcon
Jean-Pierre Hubschman, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology and Engineering - Stein Eye Institute at UCLA
Aaron Nagiel, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology - Keck School of Medicine of USC
Moderated By:
Mark Humayun, MD, PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology and Director - University of Southern California Roski Eye Institute